Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last Question...



Anonymous said...

P.S. I don't know HOW in the world that could possibly be comfortable... and it would make me nervous! Anytime Joel would get into an awkward position, or even just with his face buried in the bumper or the mattress (what have you), I would either watch and wait for him to move, or move him/the stuff around him. I would get really paranoid about it!!

Jeremy Jo and EmmaLee Tiny said...

lol I don't know how it could be comfortable either... I did end up moving her soon after I took the picture but it just meant more crying. not very long though. Jeremy said he can just picture her throwing a tantrum in the corner of the crib, putting her face down, and crashing.

Micheline said...

Kids can sleep in the oddest positions, but I am sure they hurt a little bit afterwards when they wake up. Just go move her a little bit - when she is completely asleep. She may wake for a second or two, but if she is that tired, she will go back to sleep.

Candi said...

how is that comfortable??? oh my

Jana said...

SO cute!

Lisa said...

I find my 10 year old STILL sleeping like that! Sometimes I go to wake him up in the morning and he is just like your picture. He doesn't even realize he is doing it and the rest of us wonder how he could sleep like that.

Dustin & Angie Drake said...

What fun pictures! I have several similar ones, too. Every little "first" is exciting to catch on film. I just hope that I keep up with the subsequent kids, too. I can't believe how big EmmaLee is getting!